About Us
Hilary and Kelly, co-founders of RootedConnectionsRetreats, are both licensed clinicians who have worked together for years. We are passionate about what we do, as we know that Nature is a powerful healer, and that intentional, nature-based experiences can positively impact individuals, families, and communities. These results are scientifically-proven; click here to learn more!

Who We Serve
Our trips are designed primarily for women, though we do offer some coed and family retreats. Many of our destinations involve flat-water canoeing or kayaking, though we facilitate "front-country" experiences as well. While we foster "expeditionary behavior" (helping with group tasks/gear), we do much of the heavy lifting for you. We partner with amazing organizations to provide comfortable gear and delicious meals .

Our destinations include desert landscapes (The Colorado River, The Green River, etc), rainforest environments (Prince William Sound, Alaska; San Juan Islands, WA), tropical waters (The Everglades, Fl), and more. Many of our trips are multi-day expeditions, though we also offer weekend workshops. See where we are heading this year!

Why Join?
Are you ready to connect more deeply to yourself and others? Take a break from external responsibilities, stressors, and technology? To be awed by the beauty of nature? To create life-long memories? To engage in conversations and ceremonies which shift our "default mode" to create lasting change? To return home rejuvenated and resourced?
If so, we are here to help!